

1. Admission requirements

The quality of Bachelor’s degree program in Local Literature (BLL) and  student intake is maintained through a selection system carried out by UNS in a credible, fair, transparent, flexible, efficient, accountable, and non- discriminatory manner by taking into account the potential of prospective students. The selection system is divided into (1) the National Selection System which consists of National Entrance Test for State Universities (SNMPTN), Joint Entrance Test for State Universities (SBMPTN), and UNS Campus Admission Selection (SM) and (2) International Selection System.

The recruitment method and selection system are based on several policies, including (1) Article 31 of the 1945 Constitution, Paragraph (4), Article 24 of Law No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System, Articles 73, 74, and 75 in the Seventh Chapter of Law No. 12 of 2012 on Higher Education, (2) Government Regulation No. 4 of 2014 on the Administration of Higher Education and Management of Higher Education Institutions, and (3) Regulation of Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 44 of 2015 on SN Dikti.

The follow-up to the operation of the polices is the student admission process based on Rector’s Regulation No. 18/H27/PP/2011, dated on January 10th, 2011, on the Entry Path and Capacity for New UNS Students. In addition, transparency and compliance with the prevailing legislations are required in the process of student admission. This is regulated in Rector’s Regulation No. 579/UN27/HK/2011, dated December 30th, 2011, on the Principle Policies of Management and Administration of Higher Education in Universitas Sebelas Maret.

There are two exam materials in the admission system, namely Scholastic Potential Test (TPS) and Academic Competency Test (TKA). TPS is used to measure the prospective students’ potentials, such as cognitive, logic, and general understanding. The main materials in TPS include general cognition, quantitative knowledge, reading and writing comprehension, and general knowledge. TKA is used to measure prospective students’ potential in the academic field, which is divided into three types based on the chosen interests: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) with test materials comprising Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, Liberal Arts with test materials comprising History, Geography, Economics, and Sociology, and/or mixed. The test material in the selection system, both TPS and TKA, is able to provide an initial assessment of the ability of prospective students to go higher education process in general, and especially in the field of language and literature globally in BLL

2 The Prerequisites of National Selection System Admission

The prerequisites for each path in the National Selection System are described in the following.

2.1. SNMPTN (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri)

SNMPTN is a selection system coordinated by the Government through the National Testing Agency for State Universities (LTMPT) with the main reference being the academic achievement of prospective students. SNMPTN prerequisites are accessible at and described as follows.

  1. prospective participants are in the last grade of secondary education who will graduate in the current year;
  2. prospective participants have good and consistent academic achievements shown by being included in top achievement quota in school as carried out by LTMPT;
  3. prospective participants are in the best ranking quota in schools determined based onschool accreditation; and
  1. Apart from referring to academic achievement, UNS also facilitates prospective students who are Hafidzul Qur’an to join SNMPTN provided that they have a Hafidzul Qur’an certificate.

2.2. SBMPTN (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri)

SBMPTN is a selection system coordinated by the Government through LTMPT with the score of the Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) owned by prospective students as the main reference. SBMPTN prerequisites are accessible at and described as follows.

  1. prospective participants have an LTMPT account;
  2. prospective participants have a certificate or temporary certificate of graduation from secondary education;
  3. prospective participants are graduates from secondary education for the last three years; and
  1. prospective participants have valid UTBK SBMPTN scores.

2.3. SM UNS  (Seleksi Mandiri UNS)

SM is a selection system that is coordinated directly by each university outside the selection system coordinated by the Government through LTMPT. SM UNS is divided into five categories, including UNS Campus Admission Selection by Achievement (SMJP), UNS Cam- pus Admission Selection by Testing (SMJU), UNS Campus Admission Selection by Partner- ship (SMJK), UNS Campus Admission Selection for Students with Disability (SMJD), and UNS Campus Admission Selection by UTBK (SM-UTBK). The admission prerequisites for each category are as follows.

2.3.1 SMJP (Seleksi Mandiri Jalur Prestasi)

SMJP is UNS Campus Admission Selection system by talent scouting with the aim of recruiting prospective participants who have both academic and non-academic achievements (in the cognitive, interest/talent, religious, and other fields). The cognitive field includes the Science Olympiad, Youth Scientific Work Competition, Indonesian/English Debate Competi- tion, Science and Technology Competition, and others. Areas of interest/talent consist of Sports (Athletics, Martial Arts, Games, etc.), Arts (Photography, MTQ, Sound, Painting, Dance, Film, etc.), Design, and others. Meanwhile, the religious field includes Tahfidzul Quran (30 Juz) and/or Holy Book memorization. SMJP prerequisites are accessible at and described as follows.

  1. prospective participants are Indonesian citizens;
  2. prospective participants are healthy so as not to interfere with the study process;
  3. prospective participants have a report card starting from Semesters 1 to 5 for Senior High School, or Semesters 1 to 7 for 4-year Vocational High School, or Semesters 1 to 4 for Senior High School students of Acceleration program; and
  4. prospective participants have non-academic achievement documents, including
  5. Certificate of achievement in cognitive, interests/talents, religious, and other fields at the international and national level as 1st, 2nd, or 3rd winner obtained during Senior High School/Vocational High School/Islamic Senior High School, or
  6. Certificate of Hafidzul Quran (30 Juz) or memorization of Holy Books obtained during the Senior High School/Vocational High School/Islamic Senior High School accompanied by a statement letter.

2.3.2 SMJU UTUL UNS (Seleksi Mandiri Jalur Ujian Tulis UNS)

SMJU is UNS Campus Admission Selection by considering the Written Examination Score (UTUL) held by Universitas Sebelas Maret as a determinant of admission. SMJU pre- requisites are accessible at and de- scribed as follows.

  1. prospective participants are Indonesian citizens;
  2. prospective participants are graduates of Senior High School/Vocational High School/Is- lamic Senior High School/Special Senior High School or the equivalent in the last 3 years;
  3. prospective participants are healthy so as not to interfere with the study process;
  4. prospective participants register as SM UNS participants;
  5. prospective participants take and have UNS UTUL score; and
  6. prospective participants can include their non-academic achievements, if having any.

2.3.3 SMJK (Seleksi Mandiri Jalur Kemitraan)

SMJK is a UNS Campus Admission Selection that is intended for the candidate recom- mended by partner agencies (companies/local governments/government  institutions) that have a valid Cooperation Agreement (PKS) on SMJK between the proposing agency (partner) and UNS. SMJK prerequisites are accessible at and described as follows.

  1. prospective participants are Indonesian citizens;
  2. prospective participants are graduates of Senior High School/Vocational High School/Is- lamic Senior High School/Special Senior High School or the equivalent in the last 3 years;
  3. prospective participants are healthy so as not to interfere with the study process;
  4. prospective participants register as SM UNS participants;
  5. prospective participants have an original report card from school;
  6. prospective participants have a letter of recommendation from school;
  7. prospective participants have a recommendation letter from UNS Partners;
  8. UNS partners has a valid Cooperation Agreement (PKS) on SMJK between the proposing agency (partner) and UNS; and
  9. prospective participants can include their non-academic achievements, if having any.

2.3.4 SMJD (Seleksi Mandiri Jalur Disabilitas)

SMJD is a UNS Campus Admission Selection system that is intended for prospective students with special needs. SMJD prerequisites are accessible at and described as follows.

  1. prospective participants are Indonesian citizens;
  2. prospective participants are graduates of Senior High School/Vocational High School/Is- lamic Senior High School/Special Senior High School or the equivalent in the last 3 years;
  3. prospective participants register as SM UNS participants;
  4. prospective participants have an original report card from school;
  5. prospective participants have a report from doctors and psychologists explaining the state of disability and the IQ test results;
  6. prospective participants join an interview (SMJD registrants and parents/guardians), to en-sure that they will not have difficulty participating in lecture activities related to their disability, both on the UNS campus and in the Study Program of their choice; and
  1. prospective participants can include their non-academic achievements, if having any.

2.3.5 SM-UTBK (Seleksi Mandiri – Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer)

SM-UTBK is a UNS Campus Admission Selection system by considering the UTBK score issued by LTMPT as a determinant of admission. SM-UTBK prerequisites are accessible at and described as follows.

  1. prospective participants are Indonesian citizens;
  2. prospective participants are graduates of Senior High School/Vocational High School/Is- lamic Senior High School/Special Senior High School or the equivalent in the last 3 years;
  3. prospective participants are healthy so as not to interfere with the study process;
  4. prospective participants register as SM UNS participants;
  5. prospective participants follow and have UTBK score organized by LTMPT; and
  6. prospective participants can include their non-academic achievement, if having any.

2.3.6 International Selection System Admission Prerequisites

The International Selection System is intended for prospective foreign students. The admission of foreign students is in line with UNS work objectives to achieve an international reputation. The prerequisites of the International Selection System Admission include the fol- lowing:

  1. prospective participants are foreign citizens;
  2. prospective participants have a strong interest in seeking a full-time degree at UNS;
  3. prospective participants are willing to conduct interviews via video calls; and
  4. prospective participants’s maximum age is 22.

In addition, referring the Minister of Law and Human Rights’s Regulation No. 52 of 2016 on the Issuance of Student Visa and Student Visa Stamps, there are technical prerequisites that must be completed by the international student candidates, including

  1. a recent color photograph;
  2. a color scan of passport cover and identity pages;
  3. a scan of certified diploma;
  4. a scan of certified academic transcript;
  5. a health report;
  6. a curriculum vitae;
  7. a statement of financial ability; and
  8. a statement of ability to comply with Indonesian legal regulations.



The university  provides  maximum  service  to  prospective  students  by  responding quickly to incoming questions. This is done through various service media, including:

(1) direct calls to (0271) 634880 (direct phone call) and (0271) 646994 (hunting); (2) Fax. (0271) 634880; (3) Email:; (4) social media, Facebook: spmb.uns, Instagram: spmbuns, website:, and WhatsApp account: +62 811-2643-542; (5) direct consultation to the UNS SPMB office located at Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A, 1st Floor of SPMB Building, Kentingan Campus, Surakarta  57126.



UNS admission procedure is carried out in a transparent manner in order to ensure that students who meet the requirements are accepted. It is categorized into (1) National Selection System: SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and SM; and (2) International Selection System. However, before the procedure for admitting students from each system is explained, the Admission Competitiveness Ratio (AKP) of the last six years will be presented first. This ratio also reflects the comparison between the intake capacity of BLL  and the number of applicants.

Year Intake

Ratio AKP



2015 1:9 70 641
2016 1:10 65 667
2017 1:11 60 679
2018 1:10 65 667
2019 1:9 65 559
2020 1:11 65 683

The admission procedures for National and International Selection Systems are presented as follows.



Each path in National Selection System has its own procedures, which are presented as follows:

1. SNMPTN Procedure

The SNMPTN admission procedure includes:

  1. Online registration:
  2. LTMPT account registration
  3. Decision of eligible students by school
  4. Data input at the School and Student Database (PDSS) page
  5. SNMPTN enrollment;
  6. Registration of Hafidzul Quran by uploading the Hafidzul Quran Certificate if available; and
  7. Results Announcement.

SNMPTN procedure is accessible at

2. SBMPTN Procedure

SBMPTN procedure is as follow:

  1. Online Registration:
  2. LTMPT account registration b. UTBK and SBMPTN;
  3. UTBK test, and
  4. Result announcement.

3. Campus Admission Selection (Seleksi Mandiri – SM)

The admission selection procedure for SMJP, SMJK, SMJD, and SM-UTBK has the same stages, including:

  1. online registration via webpage;
  2. payment of registration fee;
  3. issuance of participant card; and
  4. announcement of the result.

Meanwhile, the procedure of SMJU is as follows:

  1. online registration via webpage;
  2. payment of registration fee;
  3. issuance of participant card;
  4. Test taking;
  5. announcement of the result

The admission selection procedures of both the national (SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and SM) and the international systems aim to preserve the quality of student intake and the study program intake capacity per class. The effectiveness of the procedure is periodically reviewed and adjusted to the results obtained.

4. International Admission Procedure

The international admission selection procedure includes:

  1. preparation of the required documents;
  2. online form completion
  3. online submission of the documents;
  4. issuance of registration card
  5. administrative selection;
  6. interview test for those who pass the administrative selection;
  7. selection results announcement via email, along with the LoA;
  8. submission of Confirmation of studying at UNS
  9. completion of online registration at UNS academic website; and
  10. Attendance on site upon notice from UNS International Office


Mastery of foreign language is not a mandatory requirement in the national selection system (SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and SM). However, UNS ensures that every student succeeds in mastering foreign language, especially English by requiring them to take English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course with a minimum passing score of 60. This is in line with UNS internationalization.

Similarly, in the international admission selection system, mastery of a foreign language, English, is not mandatory. Meanwhile, Indonesian language mastery is highly recommended although not required.

EAP courses (for domestic students) and Bahasa Indonesia Course are managed by UNS Language Center. The mastery of these languages, English and/or Indonesian, is one of the requirements for both domestic and international students to apply for Theses  exam.  The  regulation  of  English  mastery  is  stated  in  Rector’s  Decision  No.499/UN27/PP/2011 on the Obligation of Passing the EAP course for Students of Bachelor’sDegree,  Mater’s Degree, and Doctorate’s Degree Programs.


Referring to Rector’s Regulation No. 579/UN27/HK/2011 dated on December 30, 2011 on the Principal Policies of Management and Administration of Higher Education at UNS, transparency in student admissions is a must. It is shown in the following stages.

  1. The promotion of student admissions on various media, including brochures, leaflets, promotional videos, web contents, social media contents (Facebook: spmb.uns and Instagram: spmbuns) for digital publication;
  2. The provision of student admission timelines, both national: SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and SM

and international selection systems accessible at;

  1. The execution of the student admission by referring to the existing timeline; and
  2. The announcements of student admission results

The procedures and new student admission decisions, both national (SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and SM) and international admission selections, are well documented and accessible 24 hours a day at