The cooperation has been created between Faculty of Cultural Science (FIB) Sebelas Maret University (UNS) and Faculty of Literature and Journalistic Xihua University (XHU), China. They held “Cultural Festival” on Nopember 26-27th, 2021 to advance civilization.  To exchange the perception about history, culture, Javanese literature and Bashu, On March 18th, 2021 they had an International conference and Karawitan Show entitled “Create Javanese and Bashu relationship to strengthen international”.

The conference is online and offline with eight speakers from Sebelas Maret University and Xihua University. They were Prof Dr. Warto, M.Hum, Dr. Dwi Susanto, S.S., M.Hum, and Drs. Sutarjo, M.Hum,   XIE Yingguang, WANG Xuedong, WANG Yanfei, LI Zhao, and PAN Shuxian.

According to Prof. Ahmad Yunus, vice Rector of Academic Affairs UNS, this event can develop the education in international level and advance the perception in field of culture, history and literature” he explained.

The conference was shared online through the Zoom Cloud Meeting application and FIB UNS YouTube channel. The first speaker, The Dean of Cultural Science Faculty UNS discussed “The role of Chinese in Surakarta in development of Javanese culture”. According to him, Chinese live in Surakarta give positive contribution in conserving and developing Javanese culture especially in field of art.

“Chinese in Surakarta has important role in advancing Javanese culture. The performing arts of puppet, batik, keris, and karawitan are some examples of arts developed by Chinese in Surakarta,” he said.

The second speaker, XIE Yingguang discussed “Study abroad and Creations of Modern Writers Sichuan“ from  Xihua University, China.  The Dean of Culture Faculty and Journalistic Xihua University explained about the poem “Dewi” Guo Moruo considered as the foundation of China new poem.

Dwi Susanto, the Head of Indonesian Literature Faculty of Cultural Science UNS, explained “Reception of Chinese Literature in Indonesian Literature in Dutch Colonial Period 1900-1942”. The reception was about the story of morality and Khonghucu religion, history, political work and the success of the dynasty in the kingdom to the legend. Before starting ask and answer periode, WANG Xuedong gave the explanation about Live and the work of contemporary poet in Chengdu.

The third session was started by Sutarjo explaining about macapat. “The poems in macapat contain the values of human life as monopluralist beings (individual, social, God), social criticism, rejection, romance, riddles, and so on;” he explained.

LI Zhao discussed “LI Bing and Dujiangyan (ancient irrigation system in Chengdu)”. WANG Yanfei, the Head of Mandarin Faculty of Literature and Journalistic Xihua University explained “DU Fu and cottage”. He explained the journey of poet art from Du Fu.  Be the last speaker, The Head of Library Xihua University, PAN Shuxian discussed about SU Shi and Bashu Culture.

In sequence of this activity, karawitan art as one of international attractiveness was also staged.  In short time, both of them initiated the establishment of the Chinese Language and Culture study program at FIB UNS.

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